Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Return Exchange

The after Christmas nightmare for many.

Return and exchange policies are changing and are different from store to store. Many retailers even print their returns and exchange polices on their receipts. The bad news is at this time of year aunt Martha isn’t going to give you that receipt for the apron that says, “kiss the cook” on it. Of course she had no idea what a gift receipt was and no idea she could get one to make your return or exchange a lot smoother.

Now what?

When do you want to go make your return or exchange? The day after Christmas should really be called black December 26, because it’s a dark day for retailers. The percentage of gifts that are returned is higher than you might think. Most retailers have very sophisticated set ups for the rush of exchanges and returns they know are coming. If you don’t believe me go to any Wal-Mart on December 26, and check it out for yourself. Some stores hire temps just to take care of the returns and exchanges.

Don’t go to return or exchange a gift on December 26, however, that is a bad idea. Why? Because everybody has that day off so they are going to take that apron that aunt Martha bought back and clean up on all of the after Christmas sales! You will stand in line for a long time.

But, there is another problem if you wait to long to make your return or exchange even if you have a receipt you may not be happy. Many retailers now have only so many days that they allow a return to get your money back. After that they will either give you a gift card or an exchange.

If you don’t have a receipt you have another problem with your return of exchange. Most retailers will only give you credit for the lowest price your apron sold for. So if after Christmas they closed out your apron at ninety nine cents guess what? You are going to get a buck for your trouble.

There is one other problem you need to be aware of. It’s those gift cards you get for your return or the gift cards you got as a gift, because you are a person that has everything.

Many retailers play games with their gift cards. Some of them expire after a certain date. Some charge you a monthly fee, which is deducted form your card so as time marches on you have less. This practice has been outlawed in some states, but you better check.

So what are your plans for your returns and exchanges this year? Here’s what some people do. They just keep the junk and re-gift it next year so somebody else can try to return it or exchange it.